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the 1st entrepreneurship work permit in shaanxi was issued

source:           editor:zhang wenni

recently, young entrepreneur rolf owonda from the republic of the congo just received the entrepreneurship work permit from the department of science and technology of shaanxi province, xi'an municipal science and technology bureau, and science and technology bureau of xixian new area, which is the first in shaanxi.

in june 2021, rolf registered his company in fengdong new city free trade zone. two months later, with the help of relevant departments, rolf obtained the first entrepreneurship visa in the free trade zone of shaanxi province. this year, rolf's entrepreneurship visa expired. after learning about his difficulty, the staff of the free trade zone took the initiative to offer assistance and helped rolf quickly apply for the first entrepreneurship work permit for foreign talents in shaanxi province.

"this is great news for my team and me." while sharing his entrepreneurial experiences, rolf said that the administrative office of the free trade zone provided him with comprehensive assistance, ranging from registering the company to acquiring the entrepreneurship visa, and now he obtained this entrepreneurship work permit.

fengdong new city free trade zone has been providing employment and entrepreneurial services for foreign talents for a long time. the free trade zone well applies its regional industrial specialty and focuses on international students in shaanxi, as well as their entrepreneurial needs.

in addition, fengdong new city free trade zone is actively exploring measures to facilitate the employment and entrepreneurship of foreign talent. it creates an international youth internship and entrepreneurship base to further assist foreign talents in employment and entrepreneurship. at the same time, it pays attention to the operation of foreign talents' business enterprises and provides precise guidance in terms of finance, legal affairs, social security and medical care.

fengdong new city free trade zone

next, fengdong new city free trade zone will gradually improve the mechanism of cultivating foreign talents and provide convenience for foreign talents in border entry and exit, work, and living, so as to attract more outstanding talents to fengdong new city for employment and entrepreneurship.
